31 March 2010

what you find when you go blogging!

I have had fun looking at all the wonderful tips and information on various blogs. It can be a full time job this blogging thing! On a blog I visited I found a new treasure trove of backgrounds. While looking around I stumbled upon this Dallie background. My Oz would be proud especially considering I was going to take his picture today all splayed out on the new couch! If he's there now... you'll get to see... if not I will have to catch him and snap his pic.
Nope, he's on the bed which has my favourite plaid cover on it :)

I am so excited about the new couches. I have one hint... plaid!

Based on that hint ... does anyone have the best ever Dalmation hair from furniture removal tip?

Ok, so I couldn't wait to show them off...
I love plaid and when I saw these on Craigslist I couldn't help myself. My fingers flew over the keyboard and the email was sent. The best thing... we got our old couches sold for the same amount of the new ... so we just traded. :)

Here's Kibbee... not doing much of anything but she would be sad if she knew Oz got on the bloggie and she didn't! She's snoring right now.

20 March 2010

Snow is Cold

No, seriously, it's cold! Especially cold was the snow yesterday. Penny and I went cross country skiing and had so much fun. The conditions on the Cameron Connection trail were wonderful for 95% of the trail. The open sections, they were another story hoooowwweeee. When we left the temperature was hovering on the lower side of 20 and it was BLOWIE! With it so cold I had my doubts of staying warm. Layers.. layers are especially good even if they make one look wide :) I love trees! Once we hit the trail the trees became our friends and the wind... was no match. It was like a different day :) Knowing Penny as I do, I knew I didn't have to bring a camera. Knowing me like she does, she didn't have to do any research! Pop on over to her wonderfully crafty bloggie to see the pictures! If you are a crafter & especially a sewer/quilter take a look around. O' to have some of the crafty instincts of this lady!

click here ! do it now!