27 August 2008

Step by Step

I have this wonderful digital camera. I have access to all things photographable (word?, it is now). I don't have to worry about film waste (bad pics. etc.). Why is it that choosing what to photograph is quite overwhelming to me? I remember the internet being like that for me (still is, to a point). One solution I will employ is to narrow the photographic field by breaking it down to into smaller bits or focuses.

Example: House cleaning - instead of spending an entire day cleaning the house top to bottom - I choose a few duties for each day - Meals Monday (meal planning/shop), Tub & Trash Tuesday (inside tubs, outside tub, and trash gathering), etc... I take care of a few focused tasks per day and it keeps me from freaking out about the enormity of a disaster home needing cleaning/straightening.

This does not mean that the whole works breaks down if one item or day is missed. It does, however, mean a bit of juggling is in order to work in the missed tasks or just let them go that week :) Like today, for example, I didn't do the outside tub yesterday (Tues.). I am working on it now (Weds.).

Taking things in manageable chunks works for me in my quest for an on purpose life. I need to remember and apply it to more things!

p.s. I know I spelled vacuum wrong... dear husband pointed that out and I didn't feel like re-writing the list! :) Funny thing is... I spelled it wrong again typing it... Spellchecker you are wonderful!

22 August 2008

Breakfast on the Deck

My dear Daddie sent me a new digital camera that I will be doing my best to learn to use. Here are some shots from this morning's breakfast. Often I sit out on the deck and eat my breakfast while sipping on a pot of tea (a cup at a time of course!) It is one of my favourite things to do. This morning I was reading a book called Jimmy written by Robert Whitlow. It is a slow moving book about a family living in the South.

Today's tea choice : English Highgrown from http://www.specialteas.com/.
My favourite is Typhoo (English) and Red Rose (Canadian).
Have a wonderful day!

18 August 2008

Welcome to my Entrance into the 20th Century!

I do realize I said the 20th century. When it comes to all things technological it seems I am always behind. I am doing my best to change this.

Welcome. Sit. Sip a mug of tea (a cup...just not enough). Enjoy your time spent here. Laugh with me as I sort out the how to's. My plan is to post pretty regularly about anything and everything. I guess that since I told you this ... I will have to follow through. Next up... who am I ?