05 March 2009

Yup, It's Time...

I think I was the last holdout... I have thrown in the towel with the rest of you... I am ready for Spring. Yesterday did it... The hubbie and I went on a bike ride. Sorry no pictures, apparently I need a larger purse & to get into the habit of carrying my camera everywhere I go. I'll go get it and put it in there now. I'll be right back. (enjoy some music while you wait)

The deed is done. The camera is handy again. Digging up a free SD card was a bit of a trick as I've not done anything with the Africa cards. I best get my tooshie (sp?- anyone know how to spell it?) in gear. Well it seems Blogger didn't want me to post any pictures (even if I had them) as their uploader is not working...

It's working now and here is a picture of the bag that went with me. As you can see it is plenty big to hold the camera... so the habit must set in... The sun is out today but it is a bit cooler. The wind is still whippin' tho. It's not quite a re-creation of yesterday but some elements are still in place.

Back to yesterday's festivities. We trucked the bikes to Ft. Collins and parked the truck where softball practice was to be later. Jumping on the bikes, we headed North to our destination, the Ft. Collins Museum. Using the bike paths we made it pretty far without having to take our lives in our hands on the roads. A bunch of miles later we arrived. When we began, I forgot to set the trip-o-meter (oops!). The museum was a good place to poke around and, for the $2 suggested per person donation, it was a cheap outing. It had to be as our cash supplies were running low. Banks, I know there are banks but we were trying to stay low budget and not visiting said bank forced us to succeed! :)

On the bike ride I realized something. Here we were riding along in our shorts and short sleeve shirts, working up a sweat, the sun beating down on us, the wind whipping through our hair his hair - my helmet & enjoying the Summer day. Only... it wasn't Summer. It was Summer-like. I noticed we had all the elements of Summer with one exception, the trees didn't have leaves on them. I don't know if something like that strikes you as odd but it did me so I decided to mention it. See, no leaves.

We returned, a minimum of 5.9 miles later, to the truck & loaded the bikes. I remembered sometime on our ride to set the trip-o-meter. :) Hubbie joined the boys for practice and I did my best not to giggle as they worked out the softball cobwebs that had formed over the Winter. Actually, they did well. I am looking forward to the season starting.

So there you go. A lot of words just to say... Spring ... come forth!

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