Yup, here it is again. The panoramic view from where I sit. It is the most beautiful day and I came outside to get warm. You heard correctly... outside to get warm. Right now it is warmer outside than inside my house.

And this here is the proof. The calendar still says March but is should be June right? The 68 you see is outside and the 67 is inside temperature. I've had a wonderfully slow day. This morning, upon my arrival downstairs, I discovered a pressie for ME! O' happie day! My sweetie brought me this lovely yummieness all wrapped in the colour of the sun.

Yay... he doesn't think I am wide if he brings me this! Right? Tee hee hee! I had a tea & bagel for breakfast. Next up, I read some more of the book
Driven by Eternity by John Bevere. Wow, what a eye opener. Let's just say, I thought my eternity was for sure. This book is inspiring and challenging me to take a closer look. I would recommend this book be read by every Christian and pre-Christian alike! I am still chewing on a bunch of things I read this morning. Hopefully, I will get things sorted out and remember to let y'all know. A bit chilly, I decided to move the operations outside for a snack... (see above) and a soak in the sun! Well the sun got a little toasty so I drug out the umbrella that was just longing to see some sun. I gave it it's wish and voila.. here I sit getting warm and typing. There are a number of things I could be doing, but I've decided not to, and so I sit admiring the beauty of
almost Spring :) while enjoying Summer temperatures!
This is another book I am reading.

Ok, so maybe I should have the Butterfinger
before I jump into this one huh? This book is also wonderful. In it, the author, shares her experiences and the things French women seem to know instinctively or are so natural they are easily overlooked. From the dust jacket: ".... now, in simple but potent strategies and dozens of recipes you'd swear were fattening, she reveals the ingredients for a lifetime of weight control - from the emergency weekend remedy of Magical Leek Soup to everyday tricks like fooling yourself into contentment. Emphasizing freshness, variety, balance, and
always pleasure, Mireille shows how virtually anyone can learn to eat, drink, and move like a French woman." The author uses great stories and has a suck you in writing style. I am enjoying this book. However, I do need a French dictionary to figure out what some of the ingredients are. :)
Better close the computer before the Butterfinger dust flies. Here's to enjoying vacationing at home!
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