19 September 2017

It's Been Too Long...

Holy Smokes... 
Computer dates don't lie...
It has been way too long since I've visited...

Life.. you know how it goes.  There is too much to fill you in on since the last visit.

St. Louis is a bit wild right now.  There is a lot  of protesting going on in this area. Please pray for those who are protecting lives and property in this region or any region for that matter.  

With all this protesting and general angst I am so thankful our pastor, during the original challenge related to the officer involved shooting in Ferguson, encouraged all of us to check ourselves first for any hidden bias.  He also told us to be watchful of anything that would create "us" vs. "them" attitude.  I found this to be helpful.  

Have an awesome day!
Stay cool.  Tomorrow promises to be a hot one...  welcome Fall?

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