18 September 2011

Holy Cow, It's been a YEAR and what a year it was...

I cannot believe it's been more than a year since I've posted on here.  WoW!  What a year it has been.  It all began with a thought Bill had about returning to the Midwest to help care for his aging parents.  We decided to see what would happen and listed our CO house for sale and he took an early retirement deal from his work.  Sure enough if God prompts a move it will happen.  Both deals worked out and suddenly we were unemployed and almost out of a house.  Oh, did I mention that I was also raising money for  a mission trip to Kenya?  Yup, all this in a "down" economic market!  Again, God is faithful.  While packing we had only two casualties.  Bill packed all his clothes and had nothing clean to change into while traveling and my rain coat which was going to go to Kenya with me instead went on the moving truck.  Pretty impressive if I do say so myself as I was packing a household, for a mission trip, and for my gypsy days between arriving home from Kenya and my departure to MO.  

Valentine's Day was the day.  Bill was off with the doggie and the truck and I remained behind to leave for Kenya with the group.  The trip was a wonderful one and it was so fun to see my kids again.  About 2.5 weeks later I hit the road aimed East to the apartment Bill had chosen for our temporary home.  He did well.  It was nice as far as apartments go.  After months of trying to respect our neighbors and curbing our night owl tendencies we hooked up with a realtor who would ultimately find our new home.  Funny thing... here we are back in Bill's home state and we find a realtor, quite by chance, who comes from my home state and even more interesting she attended high school in the same school building I did before it split into to high schools.  Found us a winner!  Our seller was wonderful in that she sold us her patio set and washer/dryer for $100 bucks.  The patio set was even nicer than the one I sold in CO to lighten the load and pay for the mission trip.  God is good.

Our transition has not been without challenge.  Soon after my arrival here our doggie got sick and ultimately went to heaven.  I had some good time with him but it was all too short.  I am very thankful Kibbee is quite the adjustable kittie and she is carrying on and will simply have to live forever as Oz was unable to fulfill that task.  I hated to say goodbye to such a wonderful doggie but I would not have wanted him to suffer any longer.  I am now working as a covert agent in a field hard to even imagine I could survive  :)  Just the whole working thing has been an adjustment.  For a while I was the sugar mama and picked up as many hours as possible.  Now that Bill has found work in his field I can lessen my schedule a little bit and take care of him and the household a little better.  My compliments to all who work full time and care for families and homes and etc....!  You are to be saluted.  Bill's folks are carrying along but they are hitting some health bumps and some plain 'ole getting old bumps.  The adjustments have been interesting and I am learning more and more about myself every day.

Though still filled with boxes, our new home is becoming more and more of a sanctuary.  I posted pictures from my deck at the old house.  That was a nice view however my new garden is even more amazing so ya'll better start praying I can figure out how to keep it flourishing.  If the rain stops sometime soon I shall post pictures from my tea sipping spot on the back patio.  Here is starting to feel more like home every day.  Of course Fall being so near helps tremendously.  The last couple days I've started noticing a few of the trees turning those beautiful crimson colours that have been in my dreams since I left the East coast.   Just recently I discovered a place to purchase my favourite two English teas and Heinz Salad Creme!  Yay.  It is not too far away and nearby there is a place for me to purchase bulk spices.  :)

Last but not least... it is my birthday season and no I will not tell you which birthday it is!  :)
Bill's mom bought us a housewarming gift a a ticky tockey chiming clock and Bill just purchased me a westminster chiming clock for the mantel.  We are all about time here in this place!  The ticking reminds me of Grammie and Grampie's and the chiming reminds me of home with the folks.  Bill promises more pressies to come.  Yay! it is a season after all and way too important of an occasion to not extend the celebration beyond the socially acceptable day of recognition!  HA!

Happy Fall everyone!
Hugs from Here!

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