Don'tcha just love it when we all get along? Lookit' these two... who woulda figured it would be almost 9 months after introductions were made before they could peacefully coexist with one another. If they can do it so can we. Is there someone in your world you've not contacted because of "stuff" in the way? If so, why not clear the stuff and give them a call or drop on by?

On another note, lookit' that window, it's open! Isn't it January? Why yes, it is. After lots of prayer and petition...we've been experiencing the BEST weather ever. So much so I think we are all spoiled. Today's temperature at this very moment 15:32 is 63 deg.F Crazy huh? Some of the shrubs are trying to bud and the bottoms of my roses are greening a bit. It's a bit early for that tho.
The above being said .. the other morning when I was out with the poochie I came across the most beautiful sight.

It was soooooo pretty and suprisingly hard to capture the beauty by photo. See, I had to share this with you all, lest you come and try to steal our upper 60's from us.
Lots of news. Yesterday we found out that we have the money raised for our Kenya mission trip's expenses! Yay! Any money we collect now can go to pay for the vaccinations and/or to be donated to the orphanage with the money raised by our church. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! TO ALL who have contributed or are praying for our trip. The countdown is less than a week. EEeeek!
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