I can't believe it has been almost a month since I've been here. Eeek. While I listen to tapes I transcribe I have downtime until I get to the section I need type. So... I am using my downtime to post. :)
After the MT trip and the kayaking fun I had there I found and purchased a new toy! Yay. I found me a used kayak and paddle. There is a pond just North of us that I can put the kayak in for free (yay, free!). The only bummer is that I cannot put the kayak on/off the car without assistance so I have to wait til I find someone to go with. Bill has been a few times with me YAY! His new toy (an Ipod) makes it more fun for him since he sits on shore while I toodle along in the pond. My time on the water has been so great and I am so glad I found and purchased my new toy. No pictures yet but I will get some up soon.
We are preparing for another road trip and guess who's going with us!? Kayak! While I was on-line checking for any local kayak groups I found one in the area where Bill's parents live. Snooping on their website proved to be very fruitful. We were planning a trip to see Bill's parents and low - and - behold - there was a trip idea presented.... would anyone be interested in a trip in Aug.? ME ME ME ME.... I am so excited that the kayak trip was proposed for the same time we were going to be in the area. The trip is a camp/kayak trip. We'll camp Fri. night - go on the river Sat. day - camp Sat. night and return to St. Louis area on Sun. After enquiring about the trip I was encouraged to post a note to the members of the group to see if anyone would have a spare kayak/paddle for Bill to use. Sure enough a kind soul popped up and said he did AND he would bring it to the camp/put in for us! Yay God. We (the me part of we probably more so) are so excited for this trip...
Actually I just found and purchased a dry bag for the trip. Craigslist rocks!
While we are in St. Louis we get to go to see the Cardinals Baseball team whip the tooshies of Milwaukee Brewers on Sept. 1st. Yippeee. There's something for both of us on this trip! It will be a fun time as we are getting together with other members of the family for this game.
Kayaks and Cardies all in one little road trip. Yay us!