22 June 2009

O-So Pampered

Do you have one of these? Mine sure is spoiled. I caught him napping on our bed. Check out the use of the pillows. As my sweetie says... he does have to eat, sleep and pottie. What a pampered pooch!

Today was a wonderful day for lazing around ... While reading a book Oz and I were hiding under a tree. I was reading he was snoozing. It sure was enjoyable. Isn't he so handsome?
Mom you ready to have him come live with you? He could keep you company under a tree.

Good thing we aren't out there now. There is quite the lightening storm a' brewin' out there. A flash flood warning has been issued for areas near North Fort Collins. We've only gotten sprinkles and a whole lotta lightening so far. Uh oh, it is now a tornado warning for NE Ft. Collins. Not having it here!

Enjoy your at home vacation like days!

15 June 2009

Wild Weather

Oblivious to the weather brewing outside, I was being a busy bee and getting things done around the house. After watching a news report a friend called to say she was glad we are not on our hike today. On Sat. we hiked in NW Ft. Collins and today that area enjoyed some wild weather. There were tornadoes spotted in the area and sheets of rain falling! Phew.

This picture is between our house and the next. The clouds were most interesting but not funneling! Yay!
This one is looking Eastish and again the clouds are looking quite menacing.

another view....

Imagine what you miss when you get things done around the house. Thanks J for calling with the update to look outside!

13 June 2009

Finally ... brrriiinnnggg brrrriiinnggg!

Yup, it's true I am finally hooked up with an active cell phone! It only took a month and a week. After the charger fiasco was sorted out I thought porting my number would be the easy part. HAH! Nothing was easy about this process. I kept calling and being told sorry but the computers are down, we are still waiting, check the info again, and I don't know what is going on. Since Virgin hadn't received my number (or so I thought) I was advised to cancel the port and take a Virgin number. Again and again I called in to check if the port was canceled. Finally I got smart and asked for a supervisor. He looked at things and said no the port was not canceled... wait some more while he sends a message to corporate to get things sorted out. After I left for some errand Bill took a message from "some guy from Virgin Mobile " that said, "port not canceled, you have your number, & you need to re-program phone." Of course I had tons of questions... no answers. Impressed that someone actually called me I sat in a state of shock. Finally I was moving forward. The long awaited text finally arrived that said welcome to Virgin Mobile. Ahhhhh Success! For my trouble I was given presents :) They put me on a plan no longer offered that is less money per minute, I was gifted a bunch of anytime minutes (that don't expire!), and finally instead of $9.99 owed to me from the promo when I signed up I got $20. Yay!

It pays to keep after people. AT&T canceled my account because they had forked over my number not because they were rude... oops, sorry stinky 'ole AT&T! I am glad I stuck it out because after a while it became a quest.. Bill didn't quite get it, but I had to see it thru... Bet those reps were glad they were talking to me and not him. So after all this was it worth it? Yup, tho I haven't actually used the phone yet.
