Have I ever told you about this amazing blog I found last year...? It is the bestest crock pot bloggie ever. In this country there is a lady who loves her crock pot enough to use it every day for a year! She is posting about her experiences, the good, the bad, and the flop. One day she posted a recipe for Macaroni and Cheese... could you imagine? Some of the comments said it tasted like the out of the oven REAL mac and cheese... not like the blue box kind. That kind has it's special place in my heart as it helped me to afford living while attending college. I had to give it a try. Today is one of those days where comfort food is calling hence... dinner (pictured below)

I know... it doesn't look all that appetizing... however, it is O so yummie! I've been stirring and of course instead of the utensil dripping on the counter I had to prevent it by licking the potential drips. :) The
sacrifices I make. So here is the link to the best crock potting bloggie ever:
crockpot365.blogspot.comPage down til you see her version of the Mac. n' Cheesie goodness. Can't wait to make the crock pot granola! YUM!
I am off to go stir again and serve... hopefully!